Pasifika Teacher Aide Project

The Pasifika Teacher Aide Project (PTAP) has been providing PLD to learning assistants since 2005. PTAP content is useful for those working with Pacific learners, ākonga Māori, and any linguistically diverse learners. We deliver four PLD workshops across two terms, or in two 2-day workshops, with a focus on supporting oral language, questioning, written language, and learning to learn.  All workshops support participants to enact linguistically and culturally sustaining practice. We provide practical activities, underpinned by theory to support learners’ bilingual/biliteracy development. PTAP is a Ministry of Education funded project. Schools can contact Yolande Mathlay at the Ministry to register interest, or Kyla Hansell for more information.

Whose knowledge is valued at your school?

(Si‘ilata, 2014, p. 47)

Team Members

Tāmaki Makaurau

Avikaila Tilialo

Debz Meafua-Siafolau

Jan Ene

Kyla Hansell

Dr. Rae Siilata (director)


Awaikairangi/Hutt Valley

Trish Sopoaga



Angela Pauʻu (Porirua)

Fisiena Lupo-Samoa (Porirua)


Te Wai Pounamu/South Island

Helena Ah Siu

Mele Togiaso

Rochelle Atherton

Martha Aseta

Dr. Meg Jacobs

Dr. Rae Si’ilata

Shared Resources
